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🔑 Storing artifacts in Cloudflare KV

Cloudflare KV offers a distributed, high-performance data store ideal for storing build artifacts globally, providing quicker access and improved build efficiency over centralized storage like Cloudflare R2.

Follow these steps to store your build artifacts in Cloudflare KV:

1. Create a KV Namespace

A namespace is a container for key-value pairs in Cloudflare KV. You can create a namespace via the Cloudflare dashboard or using the Wrangler CLI.

Using the Wrangler CLI

wrangler kv:namespace create <YOUR_NAMESPACE>

This will create a KV namespace and give you the following output

wrangler kv:namespace create <YOUR_NAMESPACE>
🌀  Creating namespace with title <YOUR_WORKER-YOUR_NAMESPACE>
Add the following to your configuration file:
kv_namespaces = [
  { binding = <YOUR_BINDING>, id = "e29b263ab50e42ce9b637fa8370175e8" }

Using the Cloudflare Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Cloudflare dashboard and select the KV tab on the left-hand side bar.
  2. Click the Create a namespace button. KV Create Dashboard
  3. Enter a name for your namespace and click Create.

2. Update Your Configuration

Update your wrangler.toml file to include the KV namespace details.

name = "turborepo-remote-cache"
# Other settings...

# [[r2_buckets]]
# binding = 'R2_STORE'
# bucket_name = 'turborepo-cache'
# preview_bucket_name = 'turborepo-cache-preview'

binding = "KV_STORE"
id = "ea20b0eb60f44b13b8d013eeace98ca2"
preview_id = "ea20b0eb60f44b13b8d013eeace98ca2"


If you want to use KV as the store, ensure that the r2_buckets section is commented out.

3. Deploy Your Worker

Once you've updated your Worker script and wrangler.toml file, deploy your Worker using the Wrangler CLI or your GitHub actions workflow. And that's it! Your build artifacts will now be stored in Cloudflare KV.

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